A-Team Exclusive Nick Sterling in Krossfire With his substantial endowment and impressively toned, muscular body, A-Team Exclusive Nick Sterling is a captivating on-screen presence. His first...
Falcon Studios Group A-Team Model Jimmy Durano in Saddle Up With his perfect physique, dark black hair and unstoppable cock, Jimmy Durano is an indispensable member...
A-Teamer Jimmy Durano & Micah Brandt in Saddle Up Saddle Up for wild rides on horse hung men! This is the kind of farm where guys...
Exclusive Johnny V & Lance Luciano He’s more than a pornstar: he’s a Cockstar. His sexual swagger is unmatched and nothing makes him cum more...
Derek Atlas in Auto Erotic Derek Atlas is six feet of solid muscle with an unstoppable eight inch cock and an impossibly perfect bubble butt. His...
Since Ryan Rose was crowned Falcon Studios 2013 Man of the Year, he’s become one of the most celebrated and recognizable Falcon men of all...
Andrew Stark in Intensity, Part 2 Andrew Stark has already made a big impression since signing as a Falcon Exclusive. This stud has a handsome, clean-cut...
Trenton Ducati is big…in more ways than one. He’s a massive muscled hunk of a man with a huge cock, and a giant warm and...
Newly crowned Falcon Studios Man of the Year, Ryan Rose is an openly gay former college football player and U.S. Marine signed on as...