‘Otter Erotic’ Directed by Steve Cruz Raging Stallion and award-winning director Steve Cruz present Otter Erotic, a tale that follows the sexy, hairy customers and...
Steve Cruz Directs Raging Stallion Hirsute Peepshow Raging Stallion, the Falcon Studios Group site featuring natural men, has released their latest feature, Otter Erotic. Award-winning...
‘Furgasm’ Directed by Steve Cruz Hairy chests, fuzzy crotches, and furry holes dominate the eight hung studs, hunks and daddies of Furgasm. These guys don’t want...
Director Steve Cruz Delivers for Lovers of Hairy Studs and Muscle Daddies Raging Stallion, the Falcon Studios Group site featuring all-natural men, has released their...
‘Shut Up and Fuck Me!’ Directed by Steve Cruz Sometimes it’s nice to cut to the chase. Fuck conversation. Fuck getting to know each other....
Director Steve Cruz Delivers All-Sex Hit Raging Stallion, the Falcon Studios Group site featuring natural men, has released their latest feature, Shut Up & Fuck...