Directed by Marc MacNamara NakedSword Originals and award-winning director Marc MacNamara are back in action for the fifth installment of The Swords saga. I’m Following...
Exclusive Cole Connor Stars in the Fifth Installment of NakedSword’s Action Adventure Franchise Someone’s watching the cast of the fifth installment in THE SWORDS saga...
Directed by Chi Chi LaRue Few outsiders know what actually happens in the depths of a men’s locker room when no one is around to...
Chi Chi LaRue Directs Series’ Third Installment for DVD & Downloads Grab on tight to that jockstrap, because we’re heading back into the Falcon locker...
Now Available on DVD and Digital Download! Today, NakedSword Originals is thrilled to announce the release of their biggest feature in years, The Swords. Written...
Steve Cruz Directs The Studio’s Latest DVD & Digital Downloads Falcon Studios, the iconic producer of the world’s hottest gay male porn, has announced the...
Steve Cruz Directs All-Sex All-Flip-Fuck Feature for has announced the world premiere of the debut scene of its latest feature, Give and Take....
Really Raw Vol. 2 From NakedSword Originals Today, NakedSword Originals compiled 6 of their most scorching bareback scenes from directors Marc MacNamara, Edward James, and...
SCRUM Balls to the Wall Directed by Tony Dimarco Are you ready to cheer for your favorite rugby team in SCRUM Balls to the Wall?...
Tony Dimarco Directs Studio’s Latest Bareback Film For DVD & Downloads Raging Stallion, the brand featuring rugged men and raw action, has announced the release...